Hi. I'm Jonah.

NYC Quant

Penguin, SVG Animations

Working with data by day. Immersive media and interactive storytelling by night. Oh, and dim sum on the weekends.


Information Retrieval

As a member of the The Georgetown University Information Retrieval Lab I worked on research to help predict disease incidence using social media

We modeled various new cycle's influence on Twitter activity. Then we presented a model for estimating the number of tweets posted in response to a news event and propsed a method to approximate ground truth. This model, while sensative to variations in training data, is able to predict the future Twitter activity with reasonable accuracy.

A. Yates, J. Joselow, N. Goharian, “The news cycle’s influence on social media activity,” International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (Cologne, Germany, ICWSM 2016)

Augmented and Virtual Reality

I have also studied augmented reality, virtual reality, and design and have a few projects in the works in various states of completion.

While conducting an independent study with Evan Barba in Georgetown's Communication, Culture & Technology Lab we devised this interactive synthesizer where user changes the shape of a sphere to affect the pitch and frequency of a loop. Works best with the help of a LeapMotion and it supports the Oculus Rift via WebVR.

Data Projects

NYC Subway Turnstile

I was asked to discover various trends in an open dataset from the MTA. Very messy data, but yielded some interesting results. Even made a site to accompany the findings. Find the code and analysis on GitHub

Look how July 4th changes subway usage! July Analysis, NYC Subway Turnstile

SVG Animations

I have been fascinated with the ever evolving web standards (specifically SVG) and the ability to draw in this 2D medium. D3's robust API support also enables rapid prototyping with data feeds.



Conway's Game of Life

Built a Conway Game of Life library for the Arduino. Is able to look a few moves back to detect endless cycles and reset automatically for you. It is super optimized to expand the number of cells that are supported with a NeoMatrix from Adafruit. Grab the code here.


Emerging in second place from the annual Georgetown Hackathon came Classy, a simplified preregistration tool. While empled by The Corp, we were permitted to expand Classy's functionality so that it was ultimately used by over 75% of students on campus and endorsed by the University Registrar. We coded and designed the final site within five days over an Easter Break.

Icon and design thanks to the ever wonderfulemily Coch